Zojirushi Thermal Lunch Box BENTO BAKO | SZ-MA04-SU Black (Japan Import)
If you’re looking for Zojirushi Thermal Lunch Box BENTO BAKO | SZ-MA04-SU Black (Japan Import). and Get the Best Offer for your Zojirushi Thermal Lunch Box BENTO BAKO | SZ-MA04-SU Black (Japan Import). Congratulation!! You are on the right place. Our team is expert on this department. Please read our review first before you are sure to decide to buy Zojirushi Thermal Lunch Box BENTO BAKO | SZ-MA04-SU Black (Japan Import) Right Now Via Our Page Below. Feel Free To Claim Your Best Price And Huge Saving Today.
SZ-MA04-SU Black (Japan Import) for just , for a limited time only!”
Sale Price: Too low to display
- Thermal lunch box with pouch
- Rice Container: 0.36 litre ( approx. 1.8 rice bowl ) | Okazu Containers: 0.3 litre
- Heat Insulation Effect ( 6 hours) : more than 56 degrees celsius (with pouch)
- Dimensions: 21.5 x 12 x 20 cm (with pouch) | Weight: approx. 0.6kg .
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